Saturday, September 24, 2011

Governments Propose New Deal to Banks; Banks Balk for Now

And so the world continues to turn – unless you’re in the mortgage scandal settlement
Continue Reading: Governments Propose New Deal to Banks; Banks Balk for Now

Read more: Foreclosure News - Foreclosure Articles Updated Daily!
Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.

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