Monday, September 19, 2011

Foreclosure & Fraudclosure!

The American Dream is represented in large part by homeownership.  Of course, this has been a big dream for most families all over the nation.  However, this dream is being attacked by persons who believe that the almighty dollar is more important than any set of ethics, care, due diligence, loyalty or morality.  To make matters worse, a soured economy (largely caused by massive fraud on a scale never seen by our country) has added insult to injury.

These CORRUPT people are all those individuals that acted in care of making a great income at the expense of doing "the right thing" all the time.  This includes lenders who have engaged in wreckless, fraudulent lending, crooked brokers, greedy bankers and their attorneys, corrupt appraisers and real estate professionals who have completely set aside ethics in trade of monetary compensation.

I am extremely proud of the fact that my company, Eagle Audit Services, can be an organization offering forensic audit services to put an end to this fiasco and restore some sort of justice for all those persons who are suffering and at risk of losing their homes.  Additionally, I am proud to be apart of a movement that can also help debt-burdened families reduce their debt to manageable levels.

I am reposting the following blog in the interests of those borrowers who have been damaged by these developments from the following page: 

February 12, 2011

List of Foreclosure Law Firms Linked to Robo-Signing

Filed under: Uncategorized — fvbadmin @ 2:57 pm

If your foreclosure involves a law firm whose name is on the list below,  then there is a good chance that many fraudulent practices were employed. Thanks to the NATIONAL WAMU HOMEOWNERS SUPPORT GROUP for the tireless efforts to help foreclosure victims prevent the big banks from stealing their homes.

The attorneys on the list that follows were doing business with now-notorious fraudulent, robo-signing affidavit mill Lender Processing Services (f/k/a as Fidelity National Foreclosure Solutions and several other names) out of Mendota Heights, MN and Jacksonville, FL, during the fall of ‘06 and fall of ‘07.
It is reasonable to imagine that, if the WAMU attorneys were using a firm that celebrated its robo-signing procedures and practices to the extent that they actually published an article detailing the process, there is a good chance that many of their foreclosure filings are rife with fraud.  Not only is it reasonable to imagine fraud, it’s also reasonable to believe that the attorneys involved knew exactly what they were doing.
So, cast your eyes over this list.  If the firm representing WAMU/Chase in your foreclosure case is on it, then start to dig.  Google the attorneys and all the names on all the affidavits and other documents and see if these people are on any known robo-signing lists or have been fined and sanctioned by any courts for various frauds.   Dory Goebel, the robo-signer in my case, is in trouble for affidavit fraud all over the country!

If you are in Florida and the opposing firm was/is Shapiro & Fishman, I have a personal interest in that firm and I’d like to ask you to contact me.

Everyone in each state needs to get together & compare notes about the attorneys in their cases.  Everyone needs to compare notes, compare signatures, and compare litigation, because so much of what was filed against us is simply boilerplate.  You folks in Georgia, know that McCalla, Raymer is part of the Long v. WAMU/Chase class action lawsuit filed late last year in Fulton County Superior Court.  (I mention that because you’ve got your conference call tomorrow.)

If there’s fraud in your case, let me encourage everyone to file a complaint against the attorney involved with your state Bar.  The Florida Bar has opined that attorneys have an AFFIRMATIVE OBLIGATION to tell the court about any fraud on the court, whether pre- or post-judgment.  This is tremendously interesting, because it looks like many attorneys were in cahoots (a legal term) with the robo-signers.  Lord knows where this well lead! (Or where it will end!)

Let me encourage all members to organize a statewide conference call to discuss this and other matters.
Finally, this list arises from just three of the dozens of issues of LPS’s newsletter, the Summit.  Obviously, it would be helpful for us to find more issues, because this isn’t all the foreclosure mills, not by a long shot.  All these law firms got copies of each issue, month after month, year after year, as did new subscribers to LPS’s services and firms that they were targeting as potential customers.  The smart people have already burned what they have, but who said we were up against people who were particularly smart?  Let’s find more copies!!

I have already furnished copies to state AGs in FL and MN; I’d like to ask all the state leaders to get in touch with me, let me give you the three copies I have, and then you furnish them to your state AGs, so as to assist in their investigations.  You should read the part about the kickbacks… !!!
Go get ‘em.  The tide is turning.

Liz in Sarasota


If your bank is represented by any of the following attorneys, or by a firm using the services of Lender Processing Services, Fidelity National Foreclosure Solutions, DocX, there is an excellent chance you have fraudulent affidavits.  LPS (formerly FNFS and affiliated w/ DocX) is a notorious foreclosure affidavit mill out of Mendota Heights, MN and Jacksonville, FL.  Tell your attorney to find back issues of their newsletter, The Summit, for a play-by-play description of robo-signing.  Tell your attorney to find Max Gardner’s Top 200 Signs you have a false document. This is just a list of the firms who got awards or special recognition in the three back issues (Sept. ’06, Oct. and Dec. ’07)  of the Summit I’ve been able to find; not a comprehensive list by any stretch, because not all firms got an award, and I only have three issues of the thirty or forty that were published.

No state:
Homecomings Foreclosure (GMAC?)

Alaska Trustee, LLC
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
Regional Trustee Services

AL, MS Dumas and McPhail, L.L.C.
Shapiro & Pickett, LLP
Scott J. Humphrey
Albertelli Law

Mickel Law Firm, PA * major award Oct’ 07
Robert S. Coleman, Jr., P.A.
Wilson & Associates, PLLC (article Oct. ’07)
Dyke, Henry, Goldsholl
Baxter and Schwartz PC

Malcolm & Cisneros
Tiffany & Bosco
Statewide Foreclosure Services
Folks & O’Connor, PLLC
AZ/NV/OR/UT/WA Law Offices of Les Zieve

Old Republic Default Management Services
Solomon Grindle Silverman & Spinella
Malcolm & Cisneros
Curtis Law Group
Quality Loan Service Corp
OPTION ONE (I think CA, see 12/07)
Fremont Investment and Loan Management
Aztec Foreclosure Corp
Old Republic Default Management Services

Aronowitz & Ford, LLP
Robert J. Hopp & Associates, LLC
Edwards & Taylor, LLC
Frascona, Joiner, Goodman and Greenstein
Janeway Law Firm, PC
Moss Codilis
Castle, Meinhold & Stawiarski
Hellerstine & Shore

Reiner, Reiner & Bendett (photos 12/07)
HUNT LIEBERT (now … Jacobson) * photos Oct. ‘06
CT/DC/MD/VA  McCabe, Weisberg and Conway
Law Office of Martha Croog

Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
MD/DC/VA Bierman, Geesing & Ward, LLC
CT/DC/ McCabe, Weisberg and Conway
DC/VA Curran & O’Sullivan, PC

Draper & Goldberg
Whittington & Aulgur
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor

Jonathan Kilne, PA
FL/PA Joseph H Ganguzza & Associates
David J. Stern, PA
Marshall C. Watson
Gary I. Gassel, PA
Law Offices of Daniel C. Consuegra
Ben Ezra Law Firm
Phillips, Flynn, Dareneau
Shapiro & Fishman
Smith, Hiatt & Diaz
Albertelli & Halsema
Enrico Gonzales
Popkin & Rosaler

Morris, Schneider & Prior
Ellis, Painter, Ratterree & Adams
McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb, Nichols & Clark
Shapiro & Swertfeger (photos Oct. ’06)
McCurdy & Candler, L.L.C.
Stites & Harbison
Richard B. Maner
Stephen J. Knezo
Albertelli & Halsema, PL
Flanagan & Ireland
Moore & Associates
Shuping, Morse & Ross

AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
Pite, Duncan & Melmet

Belin, Harris, Lamson & McCormic
Dunakey & Klatt
Petosa, Petosa & Boecker

AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
McCarthy & Holthus
Regional Trustee Services
Alliance Default Services

Kluever and Platt
Dutton & Dutton
Jaros, Tittle & O’Toole
IL/MI/OH/PA Weltman, Weinberg and Reis
Codilis & Associates * major award ‘07
Wirbicki Law Group
Heavner, Scott, Beyers & Mihlar
Kluever and Platt
Fisher & Shapiro
Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe

“I received yesterday the letter and check regarding the Bankruptcy Incentive Award.
I am very proud of the work that my staff has done to get to this point. We are
striving to be in the top 10 nationwide. I fully understand that you do not need to
give out the incentive awards. I am very appreciated of this and in my way have
tried to use your incentive to create an incentive for my staff. We are going to use
the check to create a “lunch” fund to buy bagels, pizza and other foods.”
- Steven C. Lindberg, FREEDMAN, ANSELMO, LINDBERG & RAPPE  October ‘06

Bleecker Brodey and Andrews
KY/IN/OH Reisenfeld & Associates
Nelson & Frankenberger
Feiwell & Hannoy
Foutty & Foutty
Doyle and Friedmeyer

Kozeny & McCubbin
Martin, Leigh, Laws & Fritzlen
Shapiro & Mock
Shapiro & Reid
South & Associates
Gallas & Schultz

KY/IN Reisenfeld & Associates
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC
Reynolds & Thompson, LLP
Nielson & Sherry
Lerner, Sampson & Rothfuss
Clunk, Paisley and Assoc., PSC
Mapother & Mapother

The Boles Law Firm
Foreclosure Law Firm, LLC
Shapiro & Mentz
Dean Morris

Korde & Associates
Ablitt & Charlton
MA/NH/RI Orlans Moran PLLC

The Fisher Law Group, PLLC
CT/DC/MD/VA McCabe, Weisberg and Conway
MD/DC/VA Bierman, Geesing & Ward, LLC
Friedman & MacFadyen, PA
Cohn, Goldberg & Deutsch
Shapiro & Burson
Rosenberg and Associates

Shapiro & Morley, LLP

Potestivo & Associates
Trott & Trott (also listed as MN)
IL/MI/OH/PA Weltman, Weinberg and Reis
Orlans Associates
Fabrizio & Brook
Peter, Schneiderman & Associates

Usset & Weingarden, PLLP
Shapiro, Nordmeyer & Zielke, LLP. (wrote article December ’07)
Elizabeth Mason, PC
Murnane Brandt

Codilis, Stawiarski & Moody
Martin, Leigh, Laws & Fritzlen
Kozeny & McCubbin
Millsap & Singer
Sandberg, Phoenix and Von Gontart
South & Associates

Adams & Edens PA
Shapiro & Massey
Dyke, Henry, Goldsholl
AL, MS Dumas and McPhail, L.L.C.
Morris and Associates (a/k/a Morris Law Firm)
Morris, Schneider & Prior, LLC

AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
Just Law Office
Mackoff, Kellogg, Kirby & Klos

Shapiro & Ingle
Morris, Schneider & Prior, LLC
Brock & Scott
Nodell, Glass & Haskell
Roberson, Haworth & Reese
Erwin, Simpson & Stroud

Kozeny & McCubbin
Eric H. Linquist

Harmon Law Offices, PC
Korde & Associates
Barron & Stadfeld, PC
Shechtman Halperin Savage, LLP
MA/NH/RI Orlans Moran PLLC
NH/VT Law Offices of Jonathan F. Weidman

Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard
Zucker, Goldberg & Ackerman
Koury, Tighe, Lapres, Bisulca & Sommers
McCabe Weisberg
NJ/PA Stern & Eisenberg, LLP
Parker McCay

Little & Dranttel

Malcolm & Cisneros
Aztec Foreclosure Corp
McCarthy & Holthus
National Default Servicing Corp.
AZ/NV/OR/UT/WA Law Offices of Les Zieve

Jonathan D. Pincus
Shapiro & DiCaro
McCabe Weisberg
Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates
Ziccardi & Rella PC
Edward A/ Wiener, Esq.
Eschen, Frenkel & Weisman
Cohn & Roth
Steven J. Baum (in big trouble)
Berkman Henoch Peterson & Peddy, PC

IL/MI/OH/PA Weltman, Weinberg and Reis
Shapiro & Felty
(Cuyahoga County) Manley Deas & Kochalski
KY/IN/OH Reisenfeld & Associates
Luper, Neidenthal and Logan
Law Offices of John D. Clunk Co., LPA
Keith D. Wiener & Assoc.
Reimer, Lorber & Arnovitz Co.
Carlisle McNellie Law Firm
Gerner & Kearns Co., LPA

Lamun, Mock, Cunnyngham & Davis
Shapiro & Cejda
Kivell, Rayment and Francis

Shapiro & Sutherland, LLC * got major award in Dec. ‘07
OR/WA Bishop White & Marshal
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
Robinson Tait
Routh Crabtree Olsen
AZ/NV/OR/UT/WA Law Offices of Les Zieve

Shapiro & Kreisman
FL/PA Joseph H Ganguzza & Associates
Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever
McCabe Weisberg (McCabe, Weisberg, Conway)
Shaffer & Scerni
Udren Law Offices
Zucker, Goldberg, Ackerman
Martha Von Rosenstiel
IL/MI/OH/PA Weltman, Weinberg and Reis
NJ/PA Stern & Eisenberg, LLP
Law Offices of Barbara A. Fein

Nicholas Barrett & Assoc.
MA/NH/RI Orlans Moran PLLC

Finkel Law Firm, LLC
Roger, Townsend, and Thomas (is it “Rogers”?)
Weston Adams Law Firm
McDonald McKenzie
SC, TN Brock & Scott, PLLC
Fleming and Whitt, P.A.(formerly Pearce W. Fleming Law)
Riley Pope & Laney
Bolen Law Firm

Mackoff, Kellogg, Kirby & Klos

Shapiro & Kirsch* wrote article Oct. ’06, photos Oct. ‘06
Apperson, Crump, Duzane & Maxwell PLC
SC, TN Brock & Scott, PLLC
Richard B. Maner, PC
Rodgers, Hill and Kolarich (Price, Rodgers, Hill & Kolarich)
McCurdy & Candler
Wilson & Associates

Winstead Sechrest & Minick P.C.
Hughes Watters Askanase (article 12/07)
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
Robertson & Anschutz, P.C.
Barrett Burke Wilson Castle Daffin & Frappier
Baxter & Schwartz
Brice, Vander Linden & Wernick
Brown & Shapiro
Codilis & Stawiarski
Mann & Stevens * wrote article October ‘06
Kelly Harvey
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
Hughes, Watters & Askanase

CMS Legal Services
David B. Boyce
Scalley, Reading, Bates, Hansen & Rasmussen
AZ/NV/OR/UT/WA Law Offices of Les Zieve

Shapiro & Burson
Friedman and MacFadyen
Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy
Bierman, Geesing & Ward
Samuel I. White P.C.
Specialized, Inc. of Virginia
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
Glasser and Glasser, P.L.C.
MD/DC/VA Bierman, Geesing & Ward, LLC
CT/DC/ McCabe, Weisberg and Conway
DC/VA Curran & O’Sullivan, PC

Lobe & Fortin
NH/VT Law Offices of Jonathan F. Weidman
Jeffery Kosterich & Associates, PC

Robinson Tait
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Malcolm Cisneros
AK,HI,ID,MT,OR,WA,TX Trustee Corps.
OR/WA Bishop White & Marshal
Meridian Trust Deed Service
Quality Loan Service Corp.
Routh Crabtree Olsen
Shapiro & Sutherland
AZ/NV/OR/UT/WA Law Offices of Les Zieve

Vollmar and Huismann, S.C.
Gray & End (could be Gray & Assoc.)
Blommer Peterman

Law Office of D. Kevin Moffatt
Daniel J. Mancini and Associates

Castle, Meinhold & Stawiarski

Being in Florida and all, things are different.  It was very good to see the Florida Bar publish this piece about attorneys whose clients file fraudulent docs in court.  Attorneys are required to let the court know about fraudulent docs post-judgment.  This is an especially powerful tool to use against the attorneys who aided and abetted this huge, staggering fraud by the banks, and this article can be used as a road map to file a complaint in Florida, and the logic can be used in every state.
Check this out!

Use this list and write in, blog, comment, and complain everywhere.  Call your state’s Attorney General!  If they want copies of The Summit, please get in touch with me and I’ll email them to you.

If lawyers are going to restore any shred of the respect they feel they deserve, they’d sure as heck better start policing their own!  We’ve got an entire profession who is specially, rigorously, and expensively trained in the minutiae of right and wrong, and you’re telling me they didn’t know what was going on?  Baloney.  If you or me filed a fraudulent affidavit in court, what do you think would happen?  Man, they’d put us under the jail.  But when banks come in and their lawyers file phony affidavits by the truck load, does the sheer scale of the fraud make it OK?

Why has no one gone to jail yet?


I have been wondering the same thing.  Must we stand by, throw up our hands and say to ourselves this: "This fraudulent mess is SO BIG, and there are SO MANY BAD BUYS and PERPS, it's just too many people to bring to justice, sentence and jail!?!  Let's just move on to a better day." 

Justice is a choice.  You, the person reading this blog, need to choose and make a stand - even if you are vastly outnumbered by the bad guys.  Remember - there is "good" in this world - and it's something worth fighting for and keeping.  THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

In my opinion, a forensic loan audit is just one simple way of getting that justice for the innocent.

Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.


  1. so how do i know if my particular mortgage had fraud from Aztec Foreclosure.......what is the proof for the state bar? thanks. :)

  2. so how do i know if my particular mortgage had fraud from Aztec Foreclosure.......what is the proof for the state bar? thanks. :)
