Saturday, September 24, 2011

Foreclosure Trends: Where the Markets are Up, Down and Everything In Between

As the middle of September draws near, the housing market in general continues to trudge along, not looking at the typically-down months of winter ahead. In some places, the market is actually improving (believe it or not); in many others, the market continues to slide into
Continue Reading: Foreclosure Trends: Where the Markets are Up, Down, and Everything In Between

Read more: Foreclosure News - Foreclosure Articles Updated Daily!

Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.

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