Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now Hiring Realtors, Loan Officers!

I appreciate your time in reading this message.  I am seeking a recruitment manager to hire and train 40 people for my firm and am mostly interested in professionals who have either a lending and/or real estate background.  You meet this set of standards.  I felt that perhaps you (or someone you may know) may have an interest in the career opportunity I have available – both on a full and part-time basis.  Of course, the first people I hire would be in management and doing sales.  Your duties would include acting as a recruitment manager and also, we will be providing leads to both you and your team on a regular basis (at no cost to any of our staffers).

For your convenience, I will follow up and provide you with the additional paperwork you will need to hire on and use for training and HR Management.  The only thing I ask is that the people you hire be ethical, competent and professional.  I will require a police report.  I will also follow up with a phone call you after I send you this message (most likely within a day or so).  Eagle Audit Services is the company you will be representing.  Since you will be in management, please complete the Commission MGMT Version.  You will be on the manager's commission rate of 30% and your team will be at 20%.  Your override will be 10%.  Additionally, our sales average about $3,500 per sale (payments are acceptable).  Normally, we use the higher price of $5,000 but deduct $500 for each referral ($1,000 because we normally ask for 2 referrals @ $500 each) and another $500 discount if the client pays our fee in full - hence, $5,000 - $1,500 = $3,500.  Furthermore, if you hire only 10 people on your team and they all produce only 2 sales per week (which is low) that would be a total of 20 sales.  Your override would be $7,000 for the week.  I don't think that is pie-in-the-sky but really quite practical numbers.  I have attached some general information for your perusal.

Just an FYI: I am the Chief Compliance Officer and I am responsible for all loan auditing and do much of the hiring for our firm.  Actually, I hold licensure as a Missouri Real Estate Broker and have spent years in the mortgage lending business.  Additionally, I constantly study law (as well as the laws affecting the mortgage industry) and compliance auditing as well.  We are currently partnered with Redler & Associates Law Firm (he's a great guy and my personal attorney).  Most of the changing laws are posted on my website with other great info: and I send out any special notices regarding compliance - both company and Federal and State as needed or required.

Please call me after you get this message and the attached docs and let me know what your interest level may be.  Again, thanks for your time and consideration in reading this message.

Michael Hathman
Chief Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
314-255-2207 - Michael's Office
636-533-4070 - Main Office

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