Saturday, November 5, 2011

Better Business Bureau Receives FFF Grade, Fails Audit

Eagle Audit Services has done a preliminary audit on the Better Business Bureau (BBB).  We found that the following ethics violations apply:

FAIL:   The BBB does not post any complaint made against their own organization on their own website.  EAS finds this practice to be completely hypocritical.

FAIL:   The BBB uses its “grading system” as a weapon against businesses.

FAIL:   The BBB uses its “grading system” as a tool of extortion by holding the reputation of businesses “hostage” until the business pays for phony “BBB Accreditation.”

FAIL:   The BBB has given terrorist organizations an “A” rating in exchange for a membership fee.  This is a slap in the face of every American – especially to those Patriots who died on September 11, 2001.

FAIL:   The BBB has given a whitehead racist organization an “A+” rating.

FAIL:   The BBB has issued malicious press statements against businesses and business owners that they do not like.

FAIL:   The BBB continues to use the “grading system” to grade businesses while extorting money from countless small business owners while pretending to also represent “consumer interests.”

FAIL:   The BBB operates under a misconception of that they are some sort of “government agency.”  No such disclosure is made to consumers, businesses, members of the press or any other organization indicating that this organization is a C Corporation and ran as a “franchise” type of organization in any conspicuous manner.  This constitutes a “deceptive business practice.”

FAIL:   The BBB often fails to do a “background check” on businesses prior to giving that business “BBB Membership Acceditation” after payment is received.

FAIL:   The BBB often engages in a civil conspiracy and by issuing bogus “BBB Warnings” against businesses as petty vendetta policy against businesses who expose the BBB for its corrupt practices or files a formal complaint against businesses who have lodged a complaint against the BBB.

FAIL:   The BBB often fails to do a “background check” on businesses prior to giving that business “BBB Membership Acceditation.”

FAIL:   The BBB grading system is so faulty, that most American consumers cannot trust the rating.  This is due to the BBB conducting its “Pay to Play Scam” whereby American Businesses must pay to get a higher grade.  This “selling of grades” and “failure to execute due diligence” with regard to companies obtaining the phony “BBB Membership Accreditation” undermines the accuracy of those grades and consumer confidence in the BBB’s ability to truthfully rate a business based on other more important factors such as: time in business; time at the same address; website and sales literature content; etc.

FAIL:   The BBB fraudulently (in order to mislead the public) lists themselves in various phone books as a “Government Agency” when, in fact, this is a complete fraudulent misconception of that fact.

FAIL:   The BBB collects moneys directly from businesses by “selling/ramming” the phony “BBB Member Accreditation” and yet masquerades as a consumer protection agency.  This represents a clear and present “conflict of interest.”
FAIL:   The BBB fails to do the “right thing” by rescinding their faulty and extortionist “grading system.”

FAIL:   The BBB separate offices do not have a clear or coherent system, mathematical algorithm or homogenious method to produce grades for companies whether or not the companies themselves are members or not.

FAIL:   The BBB does not have (to our knowledge or understanding) any coherent policy on dealing with complaints about or concerning the BBB itself.

FAIL:   The BBB does not have (to our knowledge or understanding) any coherent policy on how staff solicits or collects money or if they adhere to the “DO NOT CALL LIST.”

FAIL:   The BBB does not have (to our knowledge or understanding) any coherent policy on how the bureau dealing with complaints from consumers.

FAIL:   The BBB is not a member of its own bureau.

FAIL:   The BBB does not have any system for verifying consumer complaints or if the complainant paid for a product or service or if the complaint was of a frivolous nature.  All incoming complaints are posted regardless of the source or with regard to any type of verification or assessment – especially with regard to any given business PRIOR to posting the complaint on their website.  Such a “fair system” needs to be established to make sure that such a website posting is fair and honest to both the business owner and/or consumer.

FAIL:   The BBB often (and many times out of malicious intent) fails to correctly categorize businesses and/or the complaints submitted.  If consumers file a complaint filed against a subsidiary’s parent company, the BBB may also apply those complaints to the subsidiary itself without regard to that subsidiary’s type of products or services being offered – even if the business is no longer engaged in a particular line of business.

Auditor’s Final Comments:

 It is a sad day in America when an organization such as the Better Business Bureau engages in such unconscionable, unethical and immoral conduct by holding ransom – every single day – the reputations of hard working business owners.

It is my personal belief that a “FFF” grade given to the BBB, for the purposes of this audit, is too kind and generous an action.  In fact, I suggest that the BBB be criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for engaging in extortion and using its grading system as a powerful and COMPLETELY PERVERTED weapon against honest businesses that the BBB completely dislikes.

Finally, the BBB completely and utterly has failed this audit and their officials need to be held accountable for engaging in such mass corruption on a scale never before witnessed by a “consumer advocate agency” in American History.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Formal Warning Against the Better Business Bureau (BBB) For Corruption & Bad Business Ethics

Michael Hathman Formally Issues A Formal Warning Against the Better Business Bureau (BBB) For Corruption & Bad Business Ethics
The BBB Is Engaged In Extortionist & Retribution Activities Regarding Its Grading System
     SAINT LOUIS, MO – Michael Hathman of Smart Solutions Financial Services and Eagle Audit Services is now issuing a CONCERNED CITIZEN WARNING against the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for breach of ethics violations. 
     This organization has long been thought of as a “consumer protection agency.”  It seems that the BBB, who is engaged in giving out grades to local businesses, is getting a failing grade of its own in the local business community.
     Why?  The BBB seems to be engaged in the extorting money from local business owners who pay to have the BBB “rubber stamp” their organizations.  Additionally, by becoming an accredited member of the BBB, businesses can readily raise their letter grades in exchange for BBB Accreditation. 
     ABC’s 20/20 Program ran a special on BBB corruption just recently regarding the BBB letter grading system and the use of that letter grading system as a method of retribution against companies who make complaints against the BBB to governmental authorities.  This was the case of Smart Solutions and Eagle Audit Services.  The company paid the BBB – not once, but twice – for BBB accreditation and neither received the accreditation or a refund.  So, Michael Hathman filed a complaint with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office complaining that he wanted either a refund or accreditation.  To date, the BBB has not given Smart Solutions a refund or accreditation.  Michael Hathman maintains that the BBB ripped off his company.
     Smart Solutions had created a consumer protection company to help consumers fight foreclosure and mortgage fraud called Eagle Audit Services.  As retribution for the complaints filed against the BBB with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office, the BBB gave Eagle Audit Services, which had no complaints an “F” rating and placed all of the parent company’s complaints under Eagle Audit Services.  Michael Hathman maintains that the BBB Grading system is a scam and a sham meant to extort the hard earned money of business owners all across the United States.
     Apparently, the BBB has been in trouble with the Delaware Attorney General’s Office over the grading and retribution fiasco once before and the BBB actually went on the air to “apologize” to the general public concerning its grading system. 
     Michael Hathman is currently organizing a nationwide business boycott of the Better Business Bureau.  Mr. Hathman says that it his version of the OCCUPY protest for businesses who are standing up against corrupt organizations who are bent on making honest people miserable.
     It is a very sad tragedy that businesses now have to pay good money to protect its reputation against such a sham grading system and to an organization that acts in sheer retribution if they simply don’t like the business owner.
Here are the video links to those stories that very clearly indicates the BBB’s BAD BUSINESS BASICS:
For additional information, please contact:
Michael Hathman
Forensic Loan Auditor
Eagle Audit Services
636-699-5168 – please leave a message if you do not get an answer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

SHOCKING NEWS: Eagle Audit Services Uncovers Disturbing Lender Violations

By Michael Hathman
Chief Compliance Auditor for Eagle Audit Services

MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - After reviewing several files, I have found some amazing information that is as shocking as it is disturbing.  Sure, a lot of people talk about mortgage fraud.  Examples have been uncovered in the news concerning forged documents fabricated by companies such as DOCS in the recent Robo Signing Scandal that just recently took place.

Unfortunately, the fraud and the crookedness of the mortgage industry runs very, very deep indeed.

While reviewing my clients mortgage docs, I have found the following violations that mortgage lenders had committed as unconscionable and terribly ethically corrupt:

- Clients were promised a certain interest rate much of the time at the beginning of the application loan process.  However, the rate went up at the closing table.

- Many times, the closing agent would give clients a copy of documents that were not executed and did not have client signatures on them (including, but not limited to): the Deed of Trust, the Note, the Good Faith Estimates (GFE), Truth in Lending Act ("TILA") Disclousure.

- At times, I've ran across clients who did not understand what type of mortgage documents that they were signing.  One gentleman, who was a pastor at a local church, 85 years old, signed a mortgage he could not have possibly afforded which was an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) and the broker said that it was a fixed mortgage and implied that it was "permanently fixed" and just go ahead and sign the documents.  The ARM adjusted and the family was struggling to make the houose payments.  They will be filing a Mortgage Fraud Affidavit with the lender (with the aid of my firm) to remedy this problem.

- Many disclosures are not made to borrowers as they should be (including, but not limited to): Itemizations of Amounts Financed; the Hazard Insurance Disclosure; Escrow Disclosure; Servicing & Transfer Disclosure; Note to be Sold at a Profit Disclosure; Affiliated Business Disclosure; Equal Credit Opportunity ("ECOA") Act & Home Mortgage Disclosure Act ("HMDA") Disclosures ; Privacy Disclosure - (which may be either the Lender's Privacy Policy or the Gramm Leach Bliley ("GLB") Disclosure; Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act ("FACTA") Disclosure; Patriot Act Disclosure; Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA") Disclosure and Negative Credit Reporting or Adverse Action Impact; Application Fee Disclosure; (If Refinancing): Homeowners Equity Protection Act ("HOEPA") Disclosure that advises clients about equity stripping; IRS Income Discrepancy Reporting Disclosure; Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) should be given to borrowers and a borrower's signed delivery receipt should be made in the file - which, so far, 100% of the time doesn't happen; HUD Booklet on Home Buying and Settlement Costs - with a delivery receipt made as part of the file); Pamphlet on What You Should Know About A Home Equity Line of Credit - with a delivery receipt made as part of the file); (If Refinancing): 3 Day Right of Recission Disclosure,

The worst part about many of predatory loans generated in the 2000 - 2008 time frame were not properly underwritten as well.  I have had responses from banks with regard to the Qualified Written Requests (QWRs) that I have sent out that much of the disclosure and underwriting documenation was either completely missing from my client's files or simply never executed.  Many of these loans should have had: copies of Federal & State Tax Returns; Verifications of Deposits (VODs); Copies of Paystubs; Verifications of Employment (VOEs) and/or a Transmittal Summary (Form 1008) showing the "affordability reasoning" behind extending credit to borrowers.  None of these things (in many cases) were not in the file either because of the any of the following reasons: (1) Documents were never executed; (2) Documents were lost by the Lender; (3) Documents were lost by the borrower (which most of my clients had "everything" (I use this word very loosely) given to them by the loan officer and at the closing table.

Furthermore, with regard to clients who bought investment properties, the following documents were also missing from the client files: the Transmittal Summary (Form 1008); copies of leases which were enforce at the time purchase or refinance - along with the renter's application for renting; copies of renter drivers licenses to accompany the leases to verify that both the leases and the renters weren't "fictitious characters" along with paystubs, VOEs, VODs, tax returns, etc.

Much of the fraud during this time of loose and reckless lending had a lot of motivating factors: the loan officer's commissions, management decisions to lower standards in lending and banks wanting to cash in on multiple refinancing (engaging in equity stripping) and gouging borrowers with very high (and in some cases) shockingly high interest rates.

Corrupt Appraisers were also a large part of the general problem as well.  Banks would hire their own appraisers who would inflate the values of the houses that they were appraising - not just to make the real estate agents and sellers who were involved more money, but so that the bank could fraudulently lend more money at very high interest rates and profit even more.  While I know that there are many honest sellers, agents and appraisers who worked during this time, there were also a tremendous number of fraudsters working also.

Fair Dealing was needed in the majority of these transactions.  The borrower should have been advised as to costs, options, comfort, financing and all of the other things that accompany mortgage loan origination.  Many times, the borrowers weren't given enough information (either by operation of neglect, forgetfulness or even fraudulent omission of the fraudulent concealment of facts). 

Another issue is: Stated Income Loans.  These are fine products that are great for persons who are self-employed or who own their own businesses.  The caution here is that if a bank is going to sell these types of loans, that's great - but the underwriting needs to be solid.  This kind of loan is inappropriate for persons who are employed as a W-2 employee.  The loan should mostly be backed up by a few things: VODs, Bank Statements and (if applicable): financial statements certified by a certified public accountant (CPA).  Furthermore, if the self-employed person is a landlord, then leases and leasing applictions need to be examined as well as renter verification by copies of driver's licenses.

It is my hope that my company will be able to assist more clients out of this terrible mortgage mess.  It's been nearly 5 years since the banking and credit collapse of 2007.  We are still in a significant recession.  God help us that it ends soon and we can find our way to back to prosperity and that some sort of justice will find its way back to the frauds that perpetrated this financial quagmire.  I am certain that in the end, justice and prosperity will again prevail.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now Hiring Realtors, Loan Officers!

I appreciate your time in reading this message.  I am seeking a recruitment manager to hire and train 40 people for my firm and am mostly interested in professionals who have either a lending and/or real estate background.  You meet this set of standards.  I felt that perhaps you (or someone you may know) may have an interest in the career opportunity I have available – both on a full and part-time basis.  Of course, the first people I hire would be in management and doing sales.  Your duties would include acting as a recruitment manager and also, we will be providing leads to both you and your team on a regular basis (at no cost to any of our staffers).

For your convenience, I will follow up and provide you with the additional paperwork you will need to hire on and use for training and HR Management.  The only thing I ask is that the people you hire be ethical, competent and professional.  I will require a police report.  I will also follow up with a phone call you after I send you this message (most likely within a day or so).  Eagle Audit Services is the company you will be representing.  Since you will be in management, please complete the Commission MGMT Version.  You will be on the manager's commission rate of 30% and your team will be at 20%.  Your override will be 10%.  Additionally, our sales average about $3,500 per sale (payments are acceptable).  Normally, we use the higher price of $5,000 but deduct $500 for each referral ($1,000 because we normally ask for 2 referrals @ $500 each) and another $500 discount if the client pays our fee in full - hence, $5,000 - $1,500 = $3,500.  Furthermore, if you hire only 10 people on your team and they all produce only 2 sales per week (which is low) that would be a total of 20 sales.  Your override would be $7,000 for the week.  I don't think that is pie-in-the-sky but really quite practical numbers.  I have attached some general information for your perusal.

Just an FYI: I am the Chief Compliance Officer and I am responsible for all loan auditing and do much of the hiring for our firm.  Actually, I hold licensure as a Missouri Real Estate Broker and have spent years in the mortgage lending business.  Additionally, I constantly study law (as well as the laws affecting the mortgage industry) and compliance auditing as well.  We are currently partnered with Redler & Associates Law Firm (he's a great guy and my personal attorney).  Most of the changing laws are posted on my website with other great info: and I send out any special notices regarding compliance - both company and Federal and State as needed or required.

Please call me after you get this message and the attached docs and let me know what your interest level may be.  Again, thanks for your time and consideration in reading this message.

Michael Hathman
Chief Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
314-255-2207 - Michael's Office
636-533-4070 - Main Office

Video Links:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Foreclosure Snapshot: More Foreclosures Coming; Fannie Mae in Hot Water

As August reaches its midway point, the foreclosure market continues, and investors, homebuyers, and sellers alike are all wondering what will happen next and where we will go from
Continue Reading: Foreclosure Snapshot: More Foreclosures Coming; Fannie Mae in Hot Water

Read more: Foreclosure News - Foreclosure Articles Updated Daily!
Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.

Bank of America Making Real Estate News Today

Bank of America – the largest bank in the country by assets – has repeatedly made headlines over the past year due to the incredible number of foreclosures and other distressed properties it has on its books, the robo-signing scandal, and other dubious
Continue Reading: Bank of America Making Real Estate News Today

Read more: Foreclosure News - Foreclosure Articles Updated Daily!
Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.

Bugs, Bulldozers, and Banknotes: The Foreclosure Crisis Continues

Investors and homebuyers looking for great buying opportunities and the once-in-a-lifetime chances to buy terrific properties at significant discounts have been reveling in the market over the past few years as a record number of foreclosures have entered the market and lingered, supported by a growing backlog of foreclosed homes all across the
Continue Reading: Bugs, Bulldozers, and Banknotes: The Foreclosure Crisis Continues

Read more: Foreclosure News - Foreclosure Articles Updated Daily!

Michael Hathman
Chief Loan Compliance Officer
Eagle Audit Services
“Protecting the Borrowing Public”
636-533-4070 – Direct
888-605-5181 – Toll-Free

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our firm checks loans for violations.  If any regulations, rules, laws, statutes and fair business practices have been violated – which would place your loan in a “disputed status” - you can demand (and force) your lender back to the renegotiating table.  Our firm will demand that your lender rescind your old loan and renegotiate a new loan with a LOWER loan balance (possibly to as much as much as 50% of the balance owed of the previous loan), a lower interest rate, and lower payments.  If you are facing foreclosure, our firm will submit a Stop Order to your lender (due to the disputed nature of the debt) until new terms can be reached with regard to your disputed loan.